Navigating Dysgraphia
Follow my journey into the world of dysgraphia and hopefully learn from my mistakes.
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By Dysgraphia I mean…
While dysgraphia is easier and faster to type, it kind of doesn’t exist. It is not listed in the DSM-V and when I type dysgraphia, I really mean “Specific Learning Disorder – Impairment in Written Expression” as this is the accepted diagnosis. However, it is a mouthful.
Chatty McChatterson, or why I Finally Sought out a Neuropsych
I knew that writing activities were a challenge for D and it became apparent during a class project on Native American tribes. Caregivers were invited to a class presentation on different Native American tribes. Each student had a large tri-fold with lots of facts about their selected topic atop their desks. Drawings and words adorned…
Neuropsych results
The results discussed the following issues: This pattern of deficits is consistent with a diagnosis of developmental dysgraphia.